New to a Chromebook: Using the Touchpad

Your Chromebook's touchpad has the ability to select, scroll, drag & drop, and more!

Move the Pointer: Place one finger on the touchpad, then move it where you would like the pointer to go.

Drag and Drop: Hover over the item you would like to drag, hold down the bottom of the touchpad with your thumb, and use your finger to drag the item where you would like it to go. Release your thumb and the item will be dropped in its new place.

Click: Tap one finger anywhere on the touchpad.

Right-Click: Tap two fingers anywhere on the touchpad OR hold the Alt key and tap with one finger.

Scroll: Place two fingers on the touchpad. Move them together up and down or left and right to scroll vertically or horizontally, respectively.

These are the basics, but your touchpad can do even more! From going back or forward in your browser history, to opening a link in a new tab, to switching between tabs, and beyond - for visuals and more in-depth information, check out the simulation below:
Creation date: 8/8/2023 11:31 AM      Updated: 8/25/2023 10:57 AM